New Look, New Life

I could be way wrong, but I have a feeling that Brithney Spears is soon to come into her own. She may be breaking down the old self, the old image that she never created (was manufactured by producers, agents, management and even her parents. )
Her behaviour is running, hiding, ducking from something internal - drinking hard, staying so busy, focused outside herself on superficial distractions because whatever is going on inside, or “who she really is” wants to be expressed.

Maybe Britney’s gay. Maybe she is bi. Maybe she doesn’t like to sing/dance pop but is really drawn to raw alternative. Maybe she doesn’t really want to be a performer at all. She never chose this life - she was a Mouseketeer who released an album “encouraged” by her parents and adults around her.
She never really had a childhood or the chance to go through that mixed up, growing up time that most people do in their teens and early 20’s. I think shaving her head is a statement of freedom, change and rebellion. No one knows besides herself.

Very pity for this superstar that was trapped in her false image for so long.'s time to say "CONGRATULATION" to Britney. I think that she might not have a happy life and has to live with lots of stresses and strains. Following someone's order always gives the uncomfortable feeling and that would haunt us for years if we do not bear enough to break the golden cage. As far as I am concerned, Britney should deserve admiration from others in terms of overcoming to find her self realization. Knowing who we are, realizing what we want and having rights to follow our desire are very important for one's life as it gives a sense of having self pride.
However, it is quite strange to me that western parents still dictate their children and force them to be under control. Indeed, I am familiar with this concept among oriented family such as Chinese. In my point of view, Europe is the land which is full of freedom and liberty. Everyone has equal right to perform anything if it is not against the law.
Poor Britney! Why doesn’t she go against her parents’ wishes more quickly to discover the real happiness?
I am the one who is not sure that the things she does will bring her to better new life.
It seems to be something responds to her dark side thoughts which have been under pressure for a long time since she was at her early age. The pressure from people around her who have expectation and want her to behave whatever they prefer. To be a successful as the “Princess of Pop” and a good vigorous divorced mother who looks after cute kids by herself.
I think she is still young and experienced enough to respond to that sort of things. The signals have been shown since she broke up with Justin Timberlake, ended up her 55 hours marriage life with Jason Allen Alexander, a childhood friend of her, and finally got divorced the dancer Kevin Federline and take responsibility to look after 2 kids. I think this may be her crisis that forces her to act like this. Whatever she is, I hope she would find her way out and get return in better look and life soon.
What have you done, Britney? Is this an appropriate way to show your adulthood, liberation or your true identity? I don’t think so and I wonder if you even think about the consequences of your action. You hair will soon grow up again but the view from people around the world on you will change… in what way? – I don’t want to think about it. I’m totally disagreeing with your action. I believe there will be a thousand more ways to express your self. Acting like this is like a child hurting herself when she is unsatisfied. You might mean revolution but I’m sure nothing will change. It’s just like a wind blow; your action is not good enough. Worst still, it will reflect and emphasize your unsuccessful life and your false conscience. Beside, as a star you are a public person your action is a concern to public. You are a role model for pop – music fan around the world. By doing this, you might lost a lot of your fan and their will be someone that crazy enough to imitate your act. In conclusion, I can’t see what good you can do making your head bald. – Behave you self good! Girl.
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